This video shows the chaos &shooting at a Syrian checkpoint after an American army convoy arrived in a village near Qamishli. In vid, you can see Syrian armed men firing at US vehicles but not clear if U.S. soldiers opened fire earlier. Thai troops show off different snakes inhabiting their home country during training for soldiers from 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division on March 6, 2020, at Camp Friendship, Korat, Thailand. A US embassy spokeswoman in Manila condemned the incident, declaring it a "brutal act of terrorism". The US military has a huge footprint across south-east Asia and the Pacific, particularly in Japan and South Korea. Without question: US military expansion in the Asia-Pacific. The worry for Asia-Pacific countries is that precedents are being set. Ampatuan massacre justice aftermath with more fear of warlords, corruption. Sailors on board both US aircraft carriers in the Pacific have tested positive to coronavirus, sparking fears the Navy could become crippled in the region. The students attacked American troops at the Yongsan Base in the latest violent explosion of anger since the girls were crushed to death by an armoured vehicle taking part in a training mission. Human Rights activists said that U.S. troops shot dead a Syrian soldier after he had fired his gun in the air. The total dead or missing were 41,592 for all U.S. Army ground troops in the Pacific and southeast Asia, with another 145,706 wounded. “What I want to do is reallocate forces,” Esper said when asked about cutting troops in Afghanistan. The US Army is exploring ways to gain a better foothold in the Indo-Pacific region and looking at new and longer soldier deployments there as one avenue for achieving this goal. US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper said on Wednesday that the United States wanted to invest in more bases in the Asia-Pacific, adding to its China containment activities in the region, after saying earlier this month that the US hoped to deploy intermediate-range missiles there. The Pentagon confirmed that one US soldier was dead and another was injured in the incident, which happened around 2100 local time (1300 GMT). The World Health Organization warns that while attention has shifted to epicenters in Western Europe and North America, COVID-19 epidemics are \u201cfar from over\u201d in Asia and the Pacific. The Marine Corps and attached Navy corpsmen suffered total casualties of 23,160 killed or missing and 67,199 wounded. Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday at the Reagan National Defense Forum said that he wants to prioritize the deployment of US forces to the Asia-Pacific region from other areas, including Afghanistan, Bloomberg news agency reported.

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